Spanish girl names

Top Spanish Girl Names

Girl Names > Spanish Names

Spanish girl names The table below contains the most popular Spanish names that have been given to baby girls in the United States during the last hundred years (1905 through 2004).  The rank and count values are based on U.S. Social Security Administration counts for the one thousand most popular names given to baby girls in each of these years.  This list and other similar tables on this site can help you find and research the history, derivation, and meaning of many popular and unusual ethnic names for your baby girl!
Spanish Girl Name Meanings and Popularity
Name Derivation or Meaning Rank Usage
Linda means pretty one. 1 1,442,739
Dolores means sorrows. 2 207,356
Juanita is a feminine diminutive form of John. 3 201,544
Carmen means song. 4 122,489
Sierra means mountain range with jagged peaks. 5 75,906
Angelica means angelic. 6 73,680
Ramona is a feminine form of Ramon. 7 63,636
Lola is a diminutive form of Dolores. 8 58,674
Inez is a variation of Agnes. 9 56,038
Guadalupe is derived from the name of a Spanish convent. 10 52,884
Raquel is an alternate form of Rachel. 11 41,885
Leticia is an alternate form of Letitia. 12 38,600
Mercedes means mercy. 13 38,361
Lorena is an alternate form of Lauren. 14 37,496
Bonita means pretty. 15 35,648
Alejandra is a feminine form of Alexander. 16 34,860
Selena is an alternate form of Selene. 17 33,250
Yesenia is of unknown meaning. 18 33,042
Esmeralda means emerald. 19 29,554
Tia means aunt. 20 28,301
Marisol is a combination of Maria and Sol. 21 25,018
Rosalind means pretty rose. 22 22,666
Maribel is a combination of Maria and Isabel. 23 20,066
Alondra means lark. 24 18,227
Maritza is a diminitive form of Maria. 25 17,180
Neva means snow. 26 15,473
Tierra means earth. 27 12,814
Nita is a diminutive form of Juanita. 28 12,092
Paulina is a feminine form of Paulino. 29 8,705
Dulce means sweet or candy. 30 6,117
Camila is an alternate form of Camilla. 31 4,450
Fernanda is a feminine form of Ferdinand. 32 3,541
Isabela is an alternate form of Isabel. 33 2,495
Ximena is a feminine form of Simon. 34 1,994
Jimena is a variation of Ximena. 35 1,932
Actual usage of Spanish names shown on this page may be slightly higher than the indicated usage values.  Of course these names are widely used for girls in Spain as well!  See the Social Security card applications information for qualifiers about this data.

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Spanish Girl Names