Italian girl names

Top Italian Girl Names

Girl Names > Italian Names

Italian girl names The table below contains the most popular Italian names that have been given to baby girls in the United States during the last hundred years (1905 through 2004).  The rank and count values are based on U.S. Social Security Administration counts for the one thousand most popular names given to baby girls in each of these years.  This list and other similar tables on this site can help you find and research the history, derivation, and meaning of many popular and unusual ethnic names for your baby girl!
Italian Girl Name Meanings and Popularity
Name Derivation or Meaning Rank Usage
Donna means lady. 1 826,575
Angela means angel. 2 635,408
Carolyn is a feminine form of Charles. 3 545,984
Norma means pattern. 4 271,326
Beatrice means she that makes happy. 5 167,808
Loretta is a variation of Lauretta. 6 164,455
Caroline is a feminine form of Charles. 7 163,914
Gina is a diminutive form of Georgina or Regina. 8 147,869
Carla is a feminine form of Carlo. 9 142,420
Isabella is an alternate form of Isabel. 10 80,716
Adriana is a feminine form of Adrian. 11 56,763
Bianca is an alternate form of Blanche. 12 53,647
Cristina is an alternate form of Christina. 13 44,742
Elena is a variation of Helen. 14 43,902
Marisa is an alternate form of Maria. 15 43,516
Gabriella is a feminine form of Gabriel. 16 41,211
Carolina is a feminine form of Carolus. 17 30,215
Antonia is a feminine form of Anthony. 18 28,249
Valeria is a feminine form of Valerius. 19 28,123
Adrianna is a variation of Adriana. 20 22,812
Liliana means lily. 21 19,656
Francesca is an alternate form of Francis. 22 18,558
Gianna is a diminutive form of Giovanna. 23 16,630
Dona means lady. 24 16,491
Mariana is a feminine form of Marianus. 25 14,922
Juliet is a diminutive form of Julia. 26 12,999
Paola is a feminine form of Paul. 27 12,575
Viviana is an alternate form of Vivian. 28 10,690
Perla means pearl. 29 10,404
Emilia is a feminine form of Emil. 30 8,425
Bella means beautiful. 31 6,916
Valentina is a feminine form of Valentine. 32 3,744
Carlotta is a variation of Charlotte. 33 2,417
Actual usage of Italian names shown on this page may be slightly higher than the indicated usage values.  Of course these names are widely used for girls in Italy as well!  See the Social Security card applications information for qualifiers about this data.

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Italian Girl Names